
Image shows a sample selection of Rachel Amphlett's eBooks, audiobooks and merchandise available from her website shop

Why buy direct from an author?

I’ve had my own website shop in one form or another for the past three years, but it’s only recently that I’ve been able to offer all reading formats and some merchandise as […]

Cover of The Friend Who Lied Portuguese translation Alguem esta a Mentir 400x286 pixels

The Friend Who Lied published in Portugal

Rachel’s popular psychological crime thriller The Friend Who Lied is out now in Portugal in eBook and print through independent bookstores and major retailers. Published by Alma dos Livros, Alguém Está a Mentir […]

Composite image showing the cover for Turn to Dust in print, on a tablet and on a smartphone against a backdrop of the cover

Recommended mystery reads for July 2020

Rachel features in this weekend’s edition of the Dorset Echo where she chats about the story behind her new release Turn to Dust, and which crime thriller she’s enjoyed reading the most during […]