How do I make an audiobook? (Part 2)

Image shows a microphone beside a laptop computer with green audio waves displayed on the screen

Once a book is written, it takes a whole team to make it possible to share with readers.

That's especially the case when the time comes to create the audiobook format. I've previously written about the process I use to get my audiobooks to market, and you can read about that here.

For this month's Author Update on my YouTube channel, I thought I'd go a step further and show you who's involved in bringing the Detective Kay Hunter audiobooks to life.

Join me as I travel to Audio Factory's studio in the Somerset countryside.

You'll meet narrator Alison Campbell and producers Arran and Dave, find out what questions I asked about recording a story, and discover how they bring each of the Kay Hunter audiobooks, including BRIDGE TO BURN, to life.

Cover image for Bridge to Burn

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